“…Therefore, we are intrigued that we now find protein-to-protein association of NFAT5, with many proteins involved in effects of hypertonicity, but not known to be transcriptional targets of NFAT5. Thus, hypertonicity interrupts the cell cycle (9), and NFAT5 associates with numerous proteins involved in cell proliferation (see RESULTS); development is aberrant in NFAT5 Ϫ/Ϫ fetuses (37,40), and NFAT5 associates with proteins involved in development (see RE-SULTS); hypertonicity affects activity of numerous enzymes (19), and we find that NFAT5 associates with several enzymes (see RESULTS); hypertonicity affects the cytoskeleton (8,39,45,48), and NFAT5 associates with cytoskeletal proteins and their regulators (see results); hypertonicity affects mitochondria (42,54,56), and NFAT5 associates with mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, transporters and structural proteins. We do not know whether and, if so, how protein-to-protein association of NFAT5 with these other proteins affects them, but the association raises interesting questions.…”