ExtractThe therapeutic response to chemically_synthesized la-hydroxycholecalciferol (la-OH-D,) was studied in three patients with autosomal recessive vitamin D dependency (ARVDD). The daily maintenance dose for vitamin D,, to prevent signs of vitamin D deficiency in these patients, was 40-54.5 fig/kg, or about 100 times normal (Table 1). Withdrawal of maintenance therapy with vitamin D, resulted in the ultimate reappearance of the vitamin D depletion syndrome in patients I and 2 ( Figs. 1 and 2). The third patient presented with the deficiency syndrome despite adequate vitamin D nutrition and was recognized to have ARVDD.Treatment with la-OH-D, by mouth in all three patients at dose levels of 1-3 pg/24 hr (8@100 ng/kg) corrected hypocalcemia and suppressed parathyroid hormone-dependent renal loss of amino acids (Figs. 1,2, and 4). Rickets healed in 7-9 weeks on la-OH-D, alone (Fig. 3 ) The therapeutic response was rapid. It was usually seen first in the rise of serum calcium (Figs. 5 and 6). Withdrawal of la-OH-D, was followed first by a fall of serum phosphorus, then by a fall in serum calcium; the latter occurred within about 2 weeks of withdrawal.Because the synthesis of la-OH-D, is simpler than for la,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol and because the former is an effective therapeutic analog of vitamin D hormone, we believe these studies in ARVDD reveal la-OH-D, to be the agent of choice for treatment of this and analogous diseases.
SpeculationVitamin D dependency or pseudodeficiency rickets is believed to be an inborn error of vitamin D hormone biosynthesis. The putative abnormal enzyme is 25-hydroxycholecalciferol 1-hydroxylase in the recessively inherited trait. Consequently, this experiment of nature offers a special opportunity to examine the requirement in human subjects, for la-hydroxyvitamin D, metabolites.Patients with ARVDD (14, 18, 36) develop signs of severe postnatal vitamin D deficiency, despite a nutritional intake of vitamin D, or vitamin D, (40) that would prevent rickets in normal subjects; hence the term pseudodeficiency preferred by some investigators (34). Persistent hypocalcemia appearing soon after birth is accompanied by an excess of circulating parathyroid hormone (I) which in turn is associated with hyperphosphaturia and hyperaminoaciduria (1, 37). Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activity, severe rachitic bone lesions, and enamel hypoplasia affecting teeth that form postnatally complete the clinical syndrome ( I , l I, 14, 18, 34, 36). Maintenance treatment with vitamin D, only at levels about 100 times the normal requirement fully reverses the manifestations of deficiency hence the term vitamin D dependency (18,36).The origin of the disturbed physiology in ARVDD lies in a selective disturbance of calcium absorption by intestine (18). A defect either in the biosynthesis of the active hormone form of vitamin D or in the ability of target organ(s) to respond to vitamin D hormone has been proposed (36) to explain the dependency on vitamin D,, D,, or 25-OH-D, of patients with ARVDD. ARVDD...