Thirty consecutive female patients with red leg telangiectasia less than 0.2 mm in diameter were treated with a Candela SPTL-1 Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) tuned to 585 nm with a pulse duration of 450 microseconds at energies ranging from 6.0 to 8.5 J/cm2 delivered through a 5-mm spot size to the entire length of the telangiectasia. Seven patients with 25 patches of telangiectatic matting after previous sclerotherapy were also treated. Twenty-seven patients with symmetrical telangiectatic patches or a large "starburst" telangiectatic flair that could be divided into two separate treatment sites were treated at one site with PDL alone, and at the other site with a combination of PDL followed immediately by sclerotherapy (SCL) with Polidocanol 0.1-0.25 ml per injection site at a concentration of either 0.25%, 0.5%, or 0.75%. PDL treatment is efficacious for both essential telangiectasia and vessels that arise through the phenomena of telangiectatic matting. Sixty-five percent of vessels are completely faded with treatment. PDL alone has a remarkably low incidence of adverse sequelae. Treatment is most efficacious if all vessels larger than 0.2 mm in diameter, especially varicose and reticular feeding veins, are treated first. Treatment results are not affected by vessel location. And post-treatment compression of this type of vessel appears unnecessary. Combination PDL/SCL treatment appears to offer no advantage to sclerotherapy treatment alone and has a significant degree of complications when treatment is limited to red telangiectasia less than 0.2 mm in diameter with the laser parameters utilized.