Purpose: To use hyperpolarized (HP) 3 He MR imaging to assess functional lung ventilation in subjects with cystic fibrosis (CF) before and after treatment.
Materials and Methods: We performed HP 3He static ventilation MRI scans on three subjects, using a Philips 3.0 Tesla (T) Achieva MRI scanner, before and after 11 days of in-patient treatment with combined intravenous and inhaled therapies for pulmonary exacerbations of CF. We also collected spirometry data. We quantified pulmonary ventilation volume measured with HP 3 He MRI using an advanced semi-automated analysis technique.Results: Following 11 days of treatment with intravenous antibiotics, hypertonic saline, and rhDNase, HP 3 He MR images in one subject displayed a 25% increase in total ventilation volume. Total ventilation volume in the other two subjects slightly decreased. All three subjects showed increases in FEV 1 and FVC following treatment.
Conclusion:In all subjects, the HP 3 He MR images provided detailed information on precisely where in the lungs gas was reaching. These data provide additional support for the conclusion that HP noble gas MRI can be a powerful tool for evaluating lung ventilation in patients with cystic fibrosis, but also raise important questions about the correlation between spirometry and HP gas MRI measurements.