The fire ant Solenopsis saevissima Smith is one of the insects most frequently involved in accidents in Brazil, yet being a poorly studied species. The series of studies presented here aimed at filling some of this gap in knowledge about this common and important ant species. Some aspects of the field biology of S. saevissima are shown in comparison with other fire ants: a unique list of associated arthropods collected from field inspections in Southern Brazil is given, which includes several new taxa, one of which is herein described for the first time. The larvae of S. saevissima are described for the first time and compared with larvae from close species, culminating with the demonstration that larval characters within this group cannot be feasibly employed in species-level phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses.In terms of internal anatomy, a detailed ultrastructural description of the venom apparatus of S. saevissima is given, wherein special emphasis was given to the particular organisation of each region of the apparatus, suggesting there are specialised areas for the production of each venom compound. The venom of this species was subject of biochemical analyses for the first time, generally illustrating that the venom of S. saevissima is >90% made of a simple mixture of cis-and trasundecil-pyperidinic alkaloids, being the remainder an aqueous solution of toxic proteins, comprising neurotoxins, and traces of phospholipases and allergens. The venom of S. saevissima proved being less diverse in toxins than the venom of Solenopsis invicta, possibly explaining why S. invicta is a successful invasive species while S. saevissima apparently is not. Moreover, herein is included the first record of intraspecific variation in the nature of venom alkaloids, providing biochemical evidence for the existence of cryptic species in S. saevissima. Taken together, the obtained results contribute to the body of knowledge about fire ant populations in South America, and are proof of the existence of paramount facets yet to be investigated in deeper details.Keywords: fire ant, taxonomy, systematics, venom toxins, venomous arthropod, morphology.
Organização da teseEsta tese teve como objetivo geral apresentar resultados sobre vários aspectos da biologia e bioquímica de veneno das formigas lava-pés, em especial S. saevissima. Estes resultados foram aqui agrupados em capítulos individualizados de acordo com o assunto de que tratam. Cada capítulo já foi escrito e organizado em formato de publicação, logo todos estão no idioma internacional inglês e incluem resumo, introdução, discussão e conclusões próprias. Ao fim da tese, panorama geral sobre as partes é traçado para que se possa avaliar o que foi obtido no conjunto, e uma série de perspectivas futuras são delineadas.O capítulo 1 apresenta uma lista de artrópodes inquilinos encontrados no interior dos formigueiros de lava-pés durante as coletas no campo, bem como faz comentários sobre a distribuição das espécies nas áreas investigadas. É enfatizada a carência de estudo...