Low-rank tensors have received more attention in hyperspectral image (HSI) recovery. Minimizing the tensor nuclear norm, as a low-rank approximation method, often leads to modeling bias. To achieve an unbiased approximation and improve the robustness, this paper develops a non-convex relaxation approach for low-rank tensor approximation. Firstly, a non-convex approximation of tensor nuclear norm (NCTNN) is introduced to the low-rank tensor completion. Secondly, a non-convex tensor robust principal component analysis (NCTRPCA) method is proposed, which aims at exactly recovering a low-rank tensor corrupted by mixed-noise. The two proposed models are solved efficiently by the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Three HSI datasets are employed to exhibit the superiority of the proposed model over the low rank penalization method in terms of accuracy and robustness.