Coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging (CASSI) aims to capture the high-dimensional (usually 3D) data cube using a 2D sensor in a single snapshot. Due to the ill-posed snapshot, the reconstruction results are not ideal. One feasible solution is to utilize additional information such as the panchromatic measurement in CASSI. In this paper, we propose a dual-camera hyperspectral reconstruction method based on the deep image prior (DIP) and a guided filter. In particular, the panchromatic measurements are used to estimate spatial detail, and spectral details are provided using CASSI measurements. These measurements are used as a priori learning by the self-supervised network. Using iteration combined with DIP, the hyperspectral reconstruction is continuously updated iteratively. Finally, the panchromatic measurement is used as the guidance image, and the reconstruction result is optimized by guide filtering. A large number of experimental results demonstrate that our method without training data can reconstruct spectral data with both high spectral accuracy and spatial resolution.