“…1 Notably, the blood pressure threshold that is used to define hypertension is dependent on the situation of measurement: clinic ≥ 140/90 mmHg; home ≥ 135/85 mmHg; ambulatory blood pressure prior to 22 weeks' gestational age ≥ 126/76 mmHg (24-hour average), ≥ 132/79 mmHg (awake average) and ≥ 114/66 mmHg (sleep average). 1 In 2018, the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) classified HDP as PE, transient gestational hypertension, gestational hypertension, white-coat hypertension, masked hypertension, chronic hypertension and chronic hypertension with superimposed PE. 1 PE is the development of new-onset hypertension in pregnancy at or beyond the gestational age of 20 weeks, with the presence of significant proteinuria and/or maternal organ dysfunction or placental insufficiency.…”