Perioperative acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common, morbid and costly surgical complication. Current efforts to understand and manage AKI in surgical patients focus on prevention, mitigation of further injury when AKI has occurred, treatment of associated conditions and facilitation of renal recovery. Lesser severity AKI is now understood to be much more common, and more morbid, than was previously believed. The ability to detect AKI within hours of onset would be helpful in protecting the kidney and in preserving renal function, and several imaging and biomarker modalities are currently being evaluated. Automated, rapid and noninvasive collection and analysis of preoperative and operating room data raises the prospect of real time risk prediction for perioperative AKI. Prevention of AKI is of paramount importance, and goal-directed fluid management, remote ischemic preconditioning and early involvement of a nephrologist have all been shown to be effective.