Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that not only affects the lives of patients but also influences their social interactions, including driving. Driving a motor vehicle is a complex process, requiring good visuospatial function, rapid information processing, vigilance and high decision-making skills. Potential causes of driving impairment associated with diabetes include hypoglycemia and its effects on unawareness, retinopathy, neuropathy and ischemic heart disease. The effects of hypoglycemia can lead to dangerous and life-threatening events for both the driver and others on the road. Research data confirm that impairments from hypoglycemia affect driving performance. Many trials and meta-analyses have revealed that not all drivers follow precautions such as measuring blood glucose levels before driving; therefore, this problem remains quite relevant. In Russian Federation, the process of a person with diabetes obtaining a driver’s license is not uniformly regulated, even though this issue is related to road safety.