YEN,TERENCE T. P-agonists as antiobesity, antidiabetic and nutrient partitioning agents. Obes Res. 1995;3(SupplIn the past decade, the antiobesity, antidiabetic andnutrient partitioning activities of P-agonists have been extensively studied. Thedata generatedfromthesecompounds inexperimentalandfarmanimals haveconvincingly provedthat body fat content andbodyweightcan bemoditiedto somedegreeby a metabolic agent without decreasing food consumption. Marginal antiobesity and antidiabetic activities in humans have been demonstratedwith afew mixed P-agonists under certain conditions, but their utility is limited by side effects. The concept of a P,-receptor rose from the study of these compounds and has beenverified by the cloning and expression of this receptor from several species. Rat p,-selective agonistshaveso far shownno antiobesityefficacyinhumans. The resolution of several issues is critical for the discovery and development of efficacious antiobesity and antidiabetic agents with minimum side effects. Ultimately, the further investigationof these P-agonists and P-receptors shouldlead to a better understanding of the relationship between energy metabolism and feeding behavior.4):5318-5368.