Amongst many useful herbs, Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. is considered a bitter drug, used in treating liver disorders since antiquity. A bitter extract of P. kurroa, rich in iridoid glycosides has hepatoprotective, anticholestatic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating activities. In an effort to explore possibilities for future use of some useful herbal formulations, often some important herbs are ignored, one such plant is P. kurroa. Thus, an effort has been made in reviewing the available literature about the plant in the most common texts which would provide an insight for the use of this herb against various diseases like disorders of the liver, upper respiratory tract and more recently against hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia mostly contributes to the prevalence and severity of coronary heart diseases and treatment of these diseases using herbal formulations is cheap and easily available. The possible mechanism suggested and proposed for this hypothesis demonstrates that P. kurroa improves gall bladder secretions, thus helping in the digestion and metabolism of fats and it thus becomes very effective in regulating fat metabolism in the liver.