Diplomycin, a new antibiotic, and its clinical applicability l i a~~ bwii studied in Germany arid Denmark during the past two ycars. Tlie nvtivc: substance comes from a special diploc,occus strain from which it derives its name. Morphologically, this bacterium is an oval or lancet-s11a~pcct coccus, growing in pairs or in short t~.hai~is. Biologically, it mostly rcsernbles Streptococcus lacticus. I t was isolated by NOSTER (1) in 1945. IIc accidentally found and unknown gram-positive Diplococcus growiiig iii :L culture from a patient's sput,um. Bactwiurn-free filtrat,es of a 1 per cc,nt glucose broth, where this Diplococcus had grown, had a hacte,riost,;i,tic: a s well as bactericide effect ( 1 , 2, 3, 4). NOSTER considered this effect t,o be connected wit'li the bacterial secretion product's. I t nourictid b0t.h oil gram-positive and gram-ncgat,ive strains, a. o. 011 tubcrcle bacilli.Diplomyciri is produced in Gwniany aiid Denmark for cliniral usti. The filtrates differ for local application autl for intravenous adniiiiist,rntion. So far, no preparatioii has boen obta,ined that can be inj(:c:t,td intramuscularly.The toxicity of diplomycin is vory slight. No cliangcs 1i:tve bwn ohscrved in the blood, nor lixs any damage been not,td in the ltidiioys or in the nervous system as, for insta,nw, in strcptomyciii tlierapy, alt,ltoiigli diploniyciii was administered daily to paLtirnts for several months.Diplomycin tias it coiispicuous smell of broth. Irrimcdiately a,ft,er an inject'ion, most of the patients were subjected to a, flusliitig of the fncc : i t i d heart palpitat,ions. They also comphined of a marknd heat sctis;itioii iti the body arid a 1ic:adaclie. However, these symptoms clisappea.reci aftcr a few minutes. The heada.clie may oce.asionally last for one or two hours. Also a short rise in the t.e.tnpera,ture, sornetimcs aooonipanie.d by a chill, has been noticed, some hours a.fter the injection. According t o tho experience collected, one daily injection of diplomycin seems t o be sufficient.Our attention was drawn t o this remedy by the statement that diplomycin has an effect on tubercle bacilli. Thus, KLIYANEK (qiiot,ed by NOSTER) ( 5 ) found diplomycin useful in the treatment of piilnioliary