Effects of the sydnonimine derivatives on cardiovascular system have been studied(1-5), and the results in our laboratory are summarized as follows : 1) the substitution by the group containing nitrogen with -N-N linkage in the 3-position (SIN-series) showed vasodilator and consequently hypotensive effects resembling to those of nitrites, and 2) N-acylation of imino group of sydnonimine made the compounds stable chemically (6), which probably resulted in gradual development and prolongation of the hypotensive effects as well as in decreased toxicity (4). These findings prompted us to study the effects of the derivatives on coronary collateral circulation, because nitroglycerin, the most im portant antianginal agent, was reported to dilate the collateral vessels which developed as a result of chronic myocardial ischem:ia (7,8), and because the effects of agents on the collateral circulation have received considerable attention as one of the approaches to evaluate antianginal activity in laboratory experiment (9)_ The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of N-ethoxycarbonyl-3 morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-10) and related compounds on the coronary collateral circulation.
METHODSMale mongrel dogs weighing 8 to 13 kg were used. The effects of agents on the coronary collateral circulation were evaluated in the heart with chronic coronary insufficiency. The preparation of the coronary insufficiency was accomplished according to the technique of Harris (10) with a few modifications. The animals were treated with intramuscular 400,000 units of penicilline prior to the operation. Under anesthesia with intravenous 30 mg/kg of sodium pentobarbital and artificial respi ration, the chest was opened semiaseptically through the fourth intercostal space. The anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery was dissected free from the surround ing tissues as near the origin as possible, and constricted with a silk thread so that the blood flow is somewhat limited. For that purpose, the arterial branch was ligated together with a stainless wire of 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter, which was soon removed after the liga tion. The chest was tightly closed and air was removed from the chest cavity. The