Okara was hydrolyzed in subcritical water to increase the inhibitory activity of angiotensin 1~0nverting enzyme (ACE) and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) content. The IC50 of okara and subcritical water-treated okara (SCokara) for ACE were ll.2 and 4.7 mg/ml, respectively, showing that SC-okara had about 2.4-fold higher inhibitory activity than okara. The SDF content in okara and SC-okara were 3.4 and 17.1%, respectively, showing that SCokara had about 5-fold higher SDF content than okara. Powdered SC-okara or okara was fed to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) at the level of 5% in a 1% NaCl (control) diet for 28 days. On the 14th and 28th days, the SHRS of the SC-okara group showed significantly lower systolic blood pressure compared to the control group.Thus, hydrolysis of okara by subcritical water is an effective technology for increasing ACE inhibitory activity and SDF content, which cause the hypotensive action.
Keywords:okara, subcritical water, angiotensin I~onverting enzyme, soluble dietary fiber, blood pressure, spontaneously hypertensive rat Okara is the residue left from ground soybeans after extraction of the water-extractable fraction used to produce soy milk and tofu. Large quantities of okara are burnt in our society. This circumstance makes the development of a system to use this byproduct very important.Many approaches have been undertaken to use okara, such as fermenting it for human consumption (Matsumoto & Take, 1980; Matsuo, 1989a, b) ( 1996) reported that the solubilization of okara fiber can be performed by acid hydrolysis at pH 4.5 and that hydrolysate can be used as an emulsifier. More recently, subcritical or supercritlcal water has began to be used as a reaction medium for the degradation or hydrolysis of higher molecular weight materials such as biomass, because of Its low cost and low environmental burden (Harada et a!., 1998; Yoshida et a/., 1999). We examined the hydrolysis of collagen with subcritical water (Harada et a/., 1 998) and suspect that, in the subcritical water hydrolysis processing of okara, *TO whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: wakita@hyogo-kg.go.jp protein and IDF are hydrolyzed and solubilized, Ieading to the generation of ACE inhibitory peptides and SDF. In the present study, the subcritical water was applied to hydrolyze the okara to increase the inhibitory activity of the ACE and SDF content. In addition, the effect of okara and subcritical watel~treated okara (SC-okara) on systolic blood pressure (SBP) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was assessed.