“…Consequently, reduced LH secretion, depressed growth of the testes, and low plasma testosterone levels associated with nonstimulatory photoperiods (Wilson and Follett, 1974;Stokkan and Sharp, 1980;Gibson et al, 1975;Nicholls and Storey, 1976) may be due to the extreme sensitivity of the hypothalamus to androgen inhibition allowing the pituitary-gonadal axis to function at a low level. Reduction in TRH with long photoperiod in Japanese quail (Almeda, 1982) suggests that both gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs are inhibited by long photoperiod. The failure of 16-week-old photostimulated cockerels to maintain an elevated pituitary protein kinase activity ratio beyond 7 days indicates a weak suppressive effect of testosterone on hypothalamic-pituitary activity in the intact cockerel.…”