Insufficient cerebral O 2 supply leads to brain cell damage and loss of brain cell function. The relationship between the severity of hypoxemic brain cell damage and the loss of electrocortical brain activity (ECBA), as measure of brain cell function, is not yet fully elucidated in near-term newborns. We hypothesized that there is a strong relationship between cerebral purine and pyrimidine metabolism, as measures of brain cell damage, and brain cell function during hypoxemia. Nine near-term lambs (term, 147 d) were delivered at 131 (range, 120-141) d of gestation. After a stabilization period, prolonged hypoxemia (fraction of inspired oxygen, 0.10; duration, 2.5 h) was induced. Mean values of carotid artery blood flow, as a measure of cerebral blood flow, and ECBA were calculated over the last 3 min of hypoxemia. At the end of the hypoxemic period, cerebral arterial and venous blood gases were determined and CSF was obtained. CSF from 11 normoxemic siblings was used for baseline values. HPLC was used to determine purine and pyrimidine metabolites in CSF, as measures of brain cell damage. Concentrations of purine and pyrimidine metabolites were significantly higher in hypoxemic lambs than in their siblings, whereas ECBA was lower in hypoxemic lambs. Significant negative linear relationships were found between purine and pyrimidine metabolite concentrations and, respectively, cerebral O 2 supply, cerebral O 2 consumption, and ECBA. We conclude that brain cell function is related to concentrations of purine and pyrimidine metabolites in the CSF. Reduction of ECBA indeed reflects the measure of brain damage due to hypoxemia in near-term newborn lambs. Despite the increase in survival of preterm infants, long-term morbidity has not changed (1). Hypoxia-ischemia-related brain damage is an important contributor to perinatal mortality and long-term morbidity in survivors (2).The immature brain is very vulnerable to disturbances in cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics. Cerebral O 2 supply depends on both CaO 2 and CBF. Cerebral hypoxia is defined as an insufficient O 2 supply to the brain, resulting from either hypoxemia (decreased CaO 2 ) or hypoperfusion (decreased CBF). During hypoxemia, the brain is considered to be protected adequately from injury by an increase in CBF to preserve cerebral O 2 supply and to stabilize brain metabolism, unless cerebral ischemia occurs from supervening systemic hypotension. With the neuronal oxygen and glucose debts arising from severe hypoxemia, oxidative metabolism shifts to anaerobic glycolysis, with its inefficient generation of highenergy phosphate reserves, necessary to maintain cellular ionic gradients and other metabolic processes. However, when hypoxemia progresses, cellular energy failure ultimately occurs, which, if not promptly reversed, results in decreased neuronal viability and death of the cell (3).During insufficient cerebral O 2 supply, an accumulation of purine metabolites, which are the degradation products from high-energy phosphate compounds (ATP, ADP, and AMP),...