did not parallel one another, suggesting the mitochondrial NADH shuttles do not function during hypoxia exposure. Large increases in the expression of PDK (PDK isoform 2) were consistent with decreased PDH activity; however, these changes in mRNA were not associated with changes in total PDK-2 protein content assessed using mammalian antibodies. No other changes in the expression of other known hypoxia-responsive genes (e.g., lactate dehydrogenase-A or -B) were observed in either muscle or liver. Gibbs free energy; pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase; energy charge; Gibbs free energy; muscle; fish THE ABILITY TO SUPPRESS CELLULAR ATP demand to match the limited capacity for oxygen-independent ATP production has emerged as the unifying adaptive strategy ensuring hypoxia survival (19). In hypoxia-tolerant animals, reductions in cellular ATP demand are achieved through the controlled arrest of processes involved in membrane ion movement (8, 40), protein synthesis (28, 56), RNA transcription, urea synthesis, gluconeogensis, and other anabolic pathways (19). The cellular signals that initiate the hypoxia-induced decrease in oxygen demand are not known. However, work in aestivating snails (3) suggests that the signal for metabolic rate depression originates from the mitochondria and is controlled to a great degree by changes in the kinetics of substrate oxidation (4,14,15,46). Mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscle of hypoxia-acclimated frogs (Rana temporaria) show reduced state III and IV respiration rates, increased mitochondrial oxygen affinity (47), and reduced electron transport chain activity (46) compared with mitochondria isolated from normoxia-exposed animals. This ability to effectively arrest mitochondrial function during hypoxia exposure is essential to limit the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) and prevent mitochondrialmediated initiation of apoptosis (32). The mechanistic basis for mitochondrial arrest is not known, but it has been suggested (49) that the mitochondrial protein complex pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is involved in mediating metabolic rate depression.PDH is the rate-limiting enzyme that regulates the rate of entry of glycolytically derived pyruvate into the TCA cycle and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism (20) and is regulated by both product inhibition (NADH and acetyl-CoA) and reversible covalent modification (phosphorylation/dephosphorylation). The transformation of PDH between the active form (PDHa) and inactive form is regulated by the relative activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK), which phosphorylates PDH to deactivate it, and PDH phosphatase, which activates PDH by dephosphorylation (42 (20). Expression of PDK in mammalian cell lines, in particular the PDK-1 isoform, is hypoxia responsive and regulated by the transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) (10). Increases in PDK-1 mRNA during hypoxia exposure has been linked to the phosphorylation of PDH, reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption, and ROS generation (33, 43). Expression of PDK-1 in...