A high spatial resolution (250 m), distributed snow evolution and ablation model, SnowModel, is used to estimate current and future freshwater runoff into Glacier Bay, Alaska; a fjord estuary that makes up part of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (GBNPP). The watershed of Glacier Bay contains significant glacier cover (tidewater and land-terminating) and strong spatial gradients in topography, land cover, and precipitation. The physical complexity and variability of the region produces a 15 wide variety of hydrological regimes, including rainfall, snowmelt, and ice-melt dominated responses. The historic mean annual runoff into Glacier Bay proper is found to be 24.5 km 3 yr -1 , with a peak in July, due to the overall dominance of snowmelt processes that are largely supplemented by ice-melt. Future scenarios (2070-2099) of climate and glacier cover are used to estimate changes in the hydrologic response of Glacier Bay. Under the RCP 8.5 scenario, the mean of five climate models produces a mean annual runoff of 27.5 km 3 yr -1 , a 12.2% increase from historical conditions. When spatially aggregated over the 20 entire bay region, the future seasonal hydrograph is flatter with weaker summer flows and higher winter flows. The peak flows shift to late-summer and early-fall and rain runoff becomes the dominant overall process. The timing and magnitudes of modeled historic runoff are supported by a freshwater content analysis from a 24-year, CTD-based oceanographic dataset from the U.S. National Park Service's Southeast Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network (SEAN). Individual watersheds display a variety of changes, depending upon total glacier coverage, elevation distribution, landscape characteristics, and seasonal changes to the 25 freezing line altitude.