Psychosexual adaptation and quality of life after hysterectomy has been a subject of concern to women and gynecologists. By performing a hysterectomy, it is expected to treat abnormal bleeding, chronic pelvic pain and symptomatic myomas, and to improve health related general quality of life (QoL). Most controversy arises from the assertion that many hysterectomies are performed unnecessarily, although it has minor positive effects, the problems encountered after hysterectomy negatively affect QoL and psychosexual health problems may develop. The reported sexual problems after hysterectomy include dyspareunia related to vaginal shrinkage and decreased lubrication, low libido, and not experiencing orgasm. Studies show that the prevalence of sexual dysfunction among women who have undergone hysterectomy procedure varies depending on methodological factors. No consensus exists on whether hysterectomy causes sexual dysfunction. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the impact of hysterectomy on women's health and to discuss the related factors affecting psychosexual adaptation.