The dynamical responses of random field Ising model at zero temperature, driven by standing magnetic field wave, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation in two dimensions. The three different kinds of distribution of quenched random field are used here, uniform, bimodal and Gaussian. In all cases, three distinct dynamical phases were observed, namely, the pinned, structured and random. In the pinned phase no spin flip is observed. In the structured phase standing spin wave modes are observed. The random phase is shown with no observed regular pattern. For a fixed value of the amplitude of the standing magnetic field wave, in the region of small quenched field, the system remains in a pinned phase. In the intermediate range of values of random field, a standing spin wave mode (structured phase) is observed. The regular pattern of this spin wave mode disappears for higher values of random field yielding a random phase. The comprehensive phase baundaries are drawn in all three cases. The boundary of pinned phase are analytically calculated for uniform and bimodal types of quenched random fields.Keywords: RFIM, Standing wave, Quenched random field, Monte Carlo simulationThe random field Ising model (RFIM) is a simple model to understand various physical phenomena, like, hysteresis[1], Barkhausen noise [2] observed in ferromagnetic materials, avalanche [3], return point memory effects etc. The RFIM was studied theoretically with intense attention. RFIM was solved exactly[4] on Bethe lattice and the qualitative behaviour of magnetisation as a function of external magnetic field was found to depend on the coordination number of Bethe lattice. The effect of coordination number on the nonequilibrium critical point in RFIM was studied [5] in details. Hysteresis in RFIM with asymmetric distribution of quenched random fields in the limit of low disorder was studied[6] and the spin flip was found to be related to bootstrap percolation. Athermal hysteresis was also studied [7] in antiferromagnetic RFIM recently. The statistics [8] and the dynamical critical behaviour of avalanches [9] was studied in RFIM. All these studies mentioned here are static in a sense that the time dependence of any quantity is studied.The dynamical behaviours of the driven RFIM are also quite interesting. The RFIM has also served to study the dynamics of domain wall. The motion of domain wall by magnetic field in a 2D ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt film (showing perpendicular anisotropy and quenched disorder which is analogous to RFIM) was studied [10] experimentally by magneto optical polar Kerr imagning technique. The motion of moving interface was analyzed numerically [11] in the RFIM driven by external magnetic field. Later, the depinning transition of driven interface was studied [12]. The creep motion of interface in driven RFIM was studied [13] and the nonlinear field-velocity relationship was found.All the studies mentioned above have a very common feature. Firstly, the external driving magnetic field was varied is a quasi-static manner. Secondly,...