Background: Infertility in women is predominantly associated with uterine cavity abnormalities. Uterine cavity anomalies and damage to the fallopian tubes may occur due to various reasons such as endometriosis, polyps, adhesions and scar tissues. Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography (HSG) in comparison to hysteroscopy (HSC) for various structural and intracavitary uterine pathologies in women with infertility. Materials and methods: An observational study of 280 women with infertility was carried out to compare the diagnostic values of HSG and HSC in the diagnosis of uterine pathologies in women enduring infertility. The specific uterine conditions evaluated were intrauterine synechiae, intrauterine fibroids/polyps and Mullerian congenital anomalies. The main outcome measures were sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of HSG relative to hysteroscopy in diagnosing the following uterine pathologies: intrauterine synechiae, intrauterine fibroids/polyps and Mullerian anomalies. Results: HSG had a sensitivity of 75% in detecting intrauterine synechiae, specificity of 86.5%, positive predictive value of 63% and negative predictive value of 91.8%. For fibroids or polyps, the equivalent values were 82.3%, 40.9%, 56.4% and 71.4%. Finally, for Mullerian congenital anomalies, the corresponding values were 86.6%, 76.3%, 48.1% and 95.7%. The study has indicated that the HSG remains a useful screening test in evaluating the uterine cavity of infertile women. Conclusion: It has been subsequently concluded that HSG remains a valuable screening modality for the evaluation of uterine cavity of infertile women if office sonohysteroscopy or hysteroscopy is not available in absence of tubal pathology. HSG was an ideal procedure to detect intrauterine synechiae, fibroids and to a lesser extent, congenital Mullerian abnormalities. Hysteroscopy should be considered to make a definitive diagnosis and treatment. These two procedures are complementary to each other in evaluation of uterine cavity.