DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02757
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110th Anniversary: Comparison of Cavitation Devices Based on Linear and Swirling Flows: Hydrodynamic Characteristics

Abstract: The interest in cavitating flow reactors has intensified over recent years, and a significant amount of research effort has been focussed on demonstrating the potential applications of hydrodynamic cavitation. The knowledge base on the design of devices to optimise cavitation yield, performance and industrial scalability remains lacking however. It is essential to develop a sound understanding of the key hydrodynamic characteristics of cavitation devices to address these knowledge gaps. This work presents a co… Show more

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Cited by 47 publications
(58 citation statements)
References 56 publications
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“…The venturi and orifice based HC devices have been widely used for different applications [21] , [3] , [35] , [16] , [5] . However, venturi or orifice based devices are prone to significant erosion and clogging issues [1] , [31] . Devices based on rotational flows are relatively recent and do not use constrictions to realise cavitation (see for example, a vortex based cavitation device disclosed by [27] ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…The venturi and orifice based HC devices have been widely used for different applications [21] , [3] , [35] , [16] , [5] . However, venturi or orifice based devices are prone to significant erosion and clogging issues [1] , [31] . Devices based on rotational flows are relatively recent and do not use constrictions to realise cavitation (see for example, a vortex based cavitation device disclosed by [27] ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Devices based on rotational flows are relatively recent and do not use constrictions to realise cavitation (see for example, a vortex based cavitation device disclosed by [27] ). This device differs from conventional linear flow based designs by setting up a vortex to generate cavitation so that the collapsing cavities are shielded from the reactor walls inherently by device design [31] . As demonstrated by them, it is possible to combine rotational and linear flows to generate cavitation.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…These conventional cavitation devices are prone to clogging and severe erosion (since cavity collapse occur close to device walls). These problems have been overcome by a vortex based HC device disclosed by Ranade et al (Ranade et al, 2016) where no small holes or constrictions are present and the cavity collapse occurs in the core, away from the walls (Simpson & Ranade, 2019), thereby improving the life time of the devices.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The frequencies of the axial pulsations are higher and the vibrations are lower in the case of the swirl inflow. Simpson et al [21] numerically investigated the cavitating Venturi tube's performance under different swirl ratios using the SST k − ω turbulence model. It was found that the cavitation region is moved away from the solid surfaces toward the axis of the swirling flow device without an additional loss in pressure.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%