We compute the I 2 scattering length at pion masses of m 294, 348, and 484 MeV in fullydynamical lattice QCD using Lüscher's finite-volume method. The calculation is performed with domainwall valence-quark propagators on asqtad-improved MILC configurations with staggered sea quarks at a single lattice spacing, b 0:125 fm. Chiral perturbation theory is used to perform the extrapolation of the scattering length from lattice quark masses down to the physical value, and we find m a 2 ÿ0:0426 0:0006 0:0003 0:0018, in good agreement with experiment. The I 2 scattering phase shift is calculated to be ÿ43 10 5 at jpj 544 MeV for m 484 MeV.