Let P( ) = F 2 [ 1 , . . . , ] be the polynomial algebra in variables , of degree one, over the field F 2 of two elements. The mod-2 Steenrod algebra A acts on P( ) according to well known rules. A major problem in algebraic topology is of determining A + P( ), the image of the action of the positively graded part of A. We are interested in the related problem of determining a basis for the quotient vector space Q( ) = P( )/A + P( ). Q( ) has been explicitly calculated for = 1, 2, 3, 4 but problems remain for ≥ 5.Both P( ) = ⨁ ≥0 P ( ) and Q( ) are graded, where P ( ) denotes the set of homogeneous polynomials of degree . In this paper,−1 ∈ P ( −1) is an admissible monomial (i.e., meets a criterion to be in a certain basis for Q( −1)), then, for any pair of integers ( , ), 1 ≤ ≤ , and ≥ 0, the monomial ℎ ( ) = +1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ −1 ∈ P +(2 −1) ( ) is admissible. As an application we consider a few cases when = 5.