The electronic dispersion for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O 8+δ has been determined from angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). From this dispersion we calculate the entropy and superfluid density. Even with no adjustable parameters we obtain an exceptional match with experimental data across the entire phase diagram, thus indirectly confirming both the ARPES and thermodynamic data. The van Hove singularity is crossed in the overdoped region giving a distinctive linear-in-T temperature dependence in the superfluid density there.PACS numbers: 74.25. Bt, 74.25.Jb, 74.62.Dh, The generic doping dependence of the thermodynamic, electrodynamic and transport properties of high-T c superconductors remains a puzzle despite many years of study. Their unusual behaviour is often taken to be a signature of exotic physics yet it should be related to the electronic energy-momentum dispersion, obtained for example from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). These studies indicate the presence of an extended van Hove saddle-point singularity[1] situated at the (0,π) point together with a normal-state pseudogap [2] as common features in the electronic band structure of the cuprate superconductors. The pseudogap exhibits a reduction in the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level which is believed to develop into a fully nodal gap at low temperature [3].In theories based on the so-called van Hove scenario[4] the superconducting (SC) transition temperature, T c , is enhanced by the close proximity of a van Hove singularity (vHs). These theories assume that the vHs sweeps through the Fermi level at around optimal doping (p = 0.16), indeed causing the peak in T c (p). However, ARPES measurements of the band structure of Bi-2201[5] show that the vHs crosses the Fermi level in the deeply overdoped side of the phase diagram. For a bilayer cuprate like Bi-2212 the weak coupling between the layers splits the bands near the (π, 0) points into an upper antibonding band and a lower bonding band. ARPES measurements performed on Bi-2212 [6] suggest that the antibonding band vHs crosses at around p = 0.225 where T c ≈ 60K i.e. near the limit for overdoping in this material. The vHs crossing should profoundly affect all physical properties.In this work we have used the thermodynamic properties as a window on the electronic structure to independently check the main ARPES results. Using an ARPESderived energy dispersion we have calculated the doping and temperature dependence of the entropy and superfluid density of Bi-2212. All details for our calculations are taken directly, and only, from ARPES in order to determine the implications of this data. Our calculations confirm the ARPES results, giving a consistent picture of the thermodynamic and electrodynamic properties in terms of a proximate vHs.We assume Fermi-liquid-like, mean-field, weakcoupling physics in spite of indications, or expectations, to the contrary. In defense of our approach (i) the thermodynamics at low T is dominated by the nodal regions of the Fermi surface where qua...