Solid-state NMR provides detailed structural inefonnation uf peptidc and protein in lipid bilayers, though X-ray dLCfractien and selution NMR have difficultics in the structurat analysis in membraric environrncrrts. I wM present the usefulness of selid-state NMR fer the structural analysis ef mastoparan-X (MP-X) and subunit c ef H+-IYrP synthase, The srmcture of MP-X in the state tightly bound to phosphelipid bilayers was determined. C13 and NIS NMR signals of uniformly labeled MP-X were completely assjgned by multidimensiDnal comelation expeTiments, The torsion ungles were predicted ftom the chernical shifts ef signals. Thc backbone structure of MP-X wus determined from the 26 dihedral angle restraints and five distances, Peptide MP-X fermed an amphiphilic a-helix for residues W3?L14 und adopted an extended eonformation for N2. interaction sites of MP-X with phospholipids in bitayer mernbranes were determined by 13C-NMR observa[ion of 2HX31P-selectiye IH-depolarizatiun under magic-angle spinning. A NMR method was develeped to obscrvc thc signals duc tu 13C spins of a peptide in the elose vicinity ef 31P and 2H spins in deuterated phospholipids, Thc spcctral analysis previded the angles for the helin erjentation and the depth in the membrane. Signal assignment and secondary structura[ analysis of uniform[y labeled subunit c born E, coli (79 residues> in a solid staLe were alse carried oat by two-and three-dirnensional NMR undeT magic-angle spjnning. sln-6 Structure, dynamics and function in proteins: fiexibility matters ORayrnond S. Norton', Shenggen 1laoi, Zhihe Kuang' !, Indu Chandrashekarani. MingS. I.iug iWalter und ELizu Ha]1 [nstitute. !Univ. Adelaide, ]Monash Univ., eSwinburne Univ. Tcchnulegy The static structure of a psetein can give an oversimplified view of how it acts. Proteins move as they function, and these movements rnay span a wide range of frequeneies and amplitades. Vile describe the strue{ures and dynamies of tsvo classes ef protein with significant fiexibility, which wc bclieve p]ays an important functienal ro!e. 1) Six insulin-1ike growth binding proteins (IGFBPs 1-6) act as caniers and regul ators of insuLin-like grewth faetor-I and IUIGF-J/-II). A]1 JGFBPs have three domains of approxirnately equal size, made up of conserved Cys-rich N-and C-tcrmina! domains joined by a variable linker domain, We have detemined the structures ef the C-demains of IGFBP-2 and-6. They share common structural features, but C-BP-2 contains le-geT unstructured leops and u lengeT fiexihle extensipn ttt the C-terminus. 1 5N Telax ation measurements on C-BP-6 shew a good correlatien beAveen residues exhibiting motien at sub-ms to ms timescales and those involved in IGF-II binding. 2) SSB-2 protein has a C-terminal SOCS box and a pretein interactiye region termed the SPRY domain. We have determined the sotution stnacture of SSB-2. ]5N Telaxatien and amide exchange dala provide insight into the dynarnics of extended ]oop regions of SSB-2 which are irnportant in its inteTacLions with c-Mct andJer Par-4. Ceurse graine...