Alligatorweed, (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.), an aquatic and wetland plant native to South America, is an aggressive weed in many parts of the world. Its ability to compete with other native plants and to impede waterways has made it a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems. Although biological control with insects has been fairly successful in aquatic habitats, there is a need for additional agents to manage the weed in upland sites. Accordingly, in a survey in Brazil in 1997 a fungus, Nimbya (=Alternaria) alternantherae (Holcomb and Antonopoulus) Simmons and Alcorn, was discovered and confirmed to be highly damaging to alligatorweed. Studies were conducted to determine the potential of this fungus for controlling this weed. Several isolates from Brazil, USA, and Puerto Rico were compared and no differences in virulence were observed, although a lower dew requirement was demonstrated for the Brazilian isolates. Conidia were more effective than mycelial suspension, and inoculum concentrations of 1 · 10 5 and 1 · 10 6 conidia per ml provided significant levels of control of the weed in greenhouse and field experiments, respectively. In a host-range study, N. alternantherae infected 6 plant species from a total of 42 species belonging to 23 families. N. alternantherae has the potential to be an effective mycoherbicide for alligatorweed.