Abstract:Research on PIBID indicates it has fostered changes in the way participants are becoming teachers (CASTELA, 2013b;MATEUS;CASTELA;. However, little has been said about teacher´s educator' learning in this context. Thus, in this paper, I describe the general contributions of participating and writing about PIBID for my own personal development, as the very product of my participation in the program while articulating PIBID and Teaching practicum. Keywords: PIBID; teacher educator; experience.Resumo: Pesquisas sobre o PIBID indicam que o programa tem fomentado mudanças no modo como seus participantes se tornam professores (CASTELA, 2013b;MATEUS;CASTELA;. Contudo, pouco tem se dito sobre o aprendizado de formadores neste contexto. Portanto, nesse artigo, descrevo as contribuições gerais de participar e escrever sobre o PIBID para o meu próprio desenvolvimento enquanto formadora de professores em uma experiência que articula PIBID e a prática de ensino. Palavras-chave: PIBID; formação de formadores; experiência.
Beginning the talk"não há ensino sem pesquisa e pesquisa sem ensino [...] Paulo Freire (2002, p.14) PIBID , one of the initiatives taken by Brazilian government on the need to prepare teachers to address the country's demands regarding education, has acted as a catalyst for a massive mobilization of universities in the context of 'National Politicy for Teacher According to the documents of the program, the main tenets for teacher education in PIBID are to promote the integration between theory and practice through the early insertion of novice teachers in public schools and to encourage schools to play more central roles in teacher education by positioning the schoolteachers as co-supervisors.PIBID has been incorporated into several teaching education programs in Brazil.Research on it has shown that PIBID collaborates with the overcoming of gaps in teacher education programs, mainly the gap between theory and practice and the relationship gap between university and school (JUSTINA; RIBEIRO; CASTELA, 2013). It also has provided an appropriate context for the education of language teachers through different frameworks and plans of action (CASTELA, 2013b;MATEUS;. Research has also shown that PIBID has been expanding and presenting more positive results on a daily basis regarding teaching in public schools (ARRUDA; BUENO, 2013). Moreover, it has stimulated changes in the activity of educating English teachers (ORTENZI et al., 2013). It seems to be a consensus that the program has cultivated changes in the way participants are becoming teachers (CASTELA, 2013b;GAFFURI, 2013;JORDÃO et al., 2013 example, demonstrated that executing PIBID alongside the teaching practicum is a great concern to many teacher educators.The main controversial issue of the debate is the fact that CAPES defends the idea that PIBID should not be implemented during the teaching practicum (in this sense, PIBID does not equate to teaching practicum); rather, PIBID's aim should be connecting novice teachers to schools earlier in th...