The structures on the radial side of the wrist and thumb base can be approached by a longitudinal incision on the radial side of the wrist. However, longer longitudinal scars can be cosmetically unacceptable and can result in a scar contracture. It is preferable to curve longer incisions along the Langer’s skin lines to achieve better scar characteristics. Curving the incision also enables an extensile approach and provides easy access to the thumb base, radial carpus, and radial wrist joint. We describe our approach as a “Link” between the most common approaches that surgeons are familiar with; the dorsoulnar approach to the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint for ulnar collateral ligament repair and the flexor carpi radialis approach for distal radial fracture fixation. The zone between these two incisions is not as frequently approached. Our incision connects these two well established incisions and we have described a step by step approach to this unfamiliar area. This “Link zone” overlies the thumb trapeziometacarpal joint, scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint, and the radial styloid. It contains superficial branches of the radial nerve, first extensor compartment tendons, and the deep branch of radial artery in the anatomic snuff box. The “Link incision” is an extensile approach in both the proximal and distal directions.