Extracellular ATP (exATP) has been shown to act as a signal molecule for regulating growth, development, and responses of plants to the external environment.
In this study, we investigated the possible involvement of exATP in regulating the stunted growth caused by repeated wounding. The present work showed that the repeated wounding caused the decreases in leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, and root length of Arabidopsis seedlings, while the exATP level was enhanced by the repeated wounding. Repeated application of exogenous ATP had similar effects on the plant growth, as the repeated wounding. Through the comparison of p2k1-3 mutant (in which T-DNA disrupted the gene coding P2K1, as exATP receptor) and wide type (WT) plants, it was found that the mutation in P2K1 decreased the sensitivity of plant growth to the repeated wounding and exogenous ATP application. Further works showed that the ibuprofen (IBU, an inhibitor of jasmonate biosynthesis) partially rescued the wound-induced growth degradation. In comparison, the P2K1 mutation partly rescued the wound-induced growth degradation, whereas this mutation failed to do so in the wounded seedlings treated with IBU, indicating that the role of exATP in regulating the growth degradation by repeated wounding could be linked to the JA signaling pathway.
In conclusion, these results indicate that exATP could be a regulator for the stunted growth of plants by repeated wounding.