“…Originally, this fungus was described from Solomon Islands by MAtsushiMA (1971) as Rhinocladiella cristaspora, but later suBrAMAniAn & suDhA (1978) transferred it to Ardhachandra and the new name was also adopted by MAtsushiMA (1980). This saprobic fungus is able to colonize a wide range of substrates and although it was mainly known as foliicolous on debris of deciduous plants (MAtsushiMA, 1971(MAtsushiMA, , 1980suBrAMAniAn & suDhA, 1978), recently it has been isolated from decaying needles (iWAMoto & tokuMAsu, 2001) and from a fruit body of an aphyllophoralean fungus in Japan (WAtAnABe et al, 2003). It seems to be cosmopolitan, currently is known from Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America and Europe (MAtsushiMA, 1971(MAtsushiMA, , 1980suBrAMAniAn & suDhA, 1978;WAtAnABe et al, 2003;onoFri & cAstAgnolA, 1983;hyDe, 1996;PAsquAletti et al, 2006;BArBosA et al, 2008;rAjA et al, 2009).…”