1. Of 21,569 samples of mixed cow's milk taken under fair conditions of cleanliness and examined by means of the coliform test, 48·3 per cent, gave negative results with 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000 c.c. amounts; 21–4 per cent, gave positive results with only 1/10 c.c.; 14·0 per cent, gave positive results with only 1/10 and 1/100 c.c.; and 16·3 per cent, gave positive results with 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000 c.c. It is probable that these results are better than those generally obtained.2. The proportion of coliform-positive samples was much higher in summer and early autumn than during the winter and spring. This seasonal variation was largely due to atmospheric temperature, there being a well-marked direct correlation between the proportion of coliform-positive samples and the mean of the minimum and maximum atmospheric temperatures.3. Of 21,857 samples examined, 10,458 were coliform negative and had an average bacterial content of 25,294 per c.c; 11,399 were coliform positive and had an average bacterial content of 160,577 per c.c. The coliform-positive samples contained on an average 6·3 times as many bacteria as the coliform negative.