Indonesian for foreign speakers, or BIPA, uses folklore content from the place of origin of BIPA students as an effort of cross-cultural understanding and to minimize cultural shock. Using the concept of comparative literature, several Indonesian-Japanese folklore texts were compiled into an enrichment book. The purpose of this research is to describe the development of the enrichment book using the DDD-E method and the results of expert validation. The data collection method to get the expert validation is a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that the enrichment book of Indonesian-Japanese folklore texts had been developed following the DDD-E Model, which included four steps, namely: 1) Decide, 2) Design, 3) Develop, 4) Evaluate. The development has done all four stages of the DDD-E model. The validation results show that literature experts assessed it as excellent, BIPA learning experts assessed it as good, and learning media experts assessed it as excellent. Qualitatively, there are several inputs given by the experts. On average, the experts validated this enrichment book product as excellent. Several sections of this book explain the culture of Indonesia and Japan which are also contained in the folklore texts. This is expected to foster understanding in BIPA students on the similarities and differences in culture of the two countries. The electronic book is also expected to make it easier for students to carry out independent learning.