Aims: A major reason for the ineffectiveness of legume inoculants in the field is the rapid death of rhizobia because of desiccation. The major purpose of this study was to identify conditions under which a,a-trehalose would improve survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum during desiccation. Methods and Results: Trehalose was added to cultures just prior to desiccation or was supplied to bacteria during the 6-day growth period. A wide variety of trehalose concentrations was tested. Trehalose added to cultures at the time of desiccation improved survival slightly, but trehalose loading during growth was much more effective in protection against desiccation. Growth of bacteria with 3 mmol l )1 trehalose increased trehalose concentration in cells by about threefold and increased survival of cells placed on soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds by two-to four-fold after 2 or 24 h. Average of overall results indicate that growth of bacteria with trehalose in the medium resulted in a 294% increase in survival after 24 h of desiccation. The concentration of trehalose in cells was very highly correlated with survival of bacteria. When trehalose-loaded cells were suspended in buffer or water, 60-85% of cellular trehalose was lost in about 1 h and, in spite of these losses, survival during desiccation was not reduced. Conclusions: Accumulation of trehalose in the cytoplasm is critical to the survival of B. japonicum during desiccation. Increasing the periplasmic concentration of trehalose is also beneficial but is not so critical as the concentration of trehalose in the cytoplasm. Because B. japonicum cannot utilize trehalose as a carbon source, cells can be loaded with trehalose by providing the disaccharide during the growth period. Significance and Impact of the Study: Although it may not be practical to use trehalose as a carbon source in inoculant production, it may be possible to engineer greater trehalose accumulation in rhizobia. Trehalose concentration in cells should be a useful predictor of survival during desiccation.