Asymmetric cell division is critical during development, as it influences processes such as cell fate specification and cell migration. We have characterized FRK-1, a homolog of the mammalian Fer nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, and found it to be required for differentiation and maintenance of epithelial cell types, including the stem cell-like seam cells of the hypodermis. A genomic knockout of frk-1, allele ok760, results in severely uncoordinated larvae that arrest at the L1 stage and have an excess number of lateral hypodermal cells that appear to have lost asymmetry in the stem cell-like divisions of the seam cell lineage. frk-1(ok760) mutants show that there are excess lateral hypodermal cells that are abnormally shaped and smaller in size compared to wild type, a defect that could be rescued only in a manner dependent on the kinase activity of FRK-1. Additionally, we observed a significant change in the expression of heterochronic regulators in frk-1(ok760) mutants. However, frk-1(ok760) mutants do not express late, nonseam hypodermal GFP markers, suggesting the seam cells do not precociously differentiate as adult-hyp7 cells. Finally, our data also demonstrate a clear role for FRK-1 in seam cell proliferation, as eliminating FRK-1 during the L3-L4 transition results in supernumerary seam cell nuclei that are dependent on asymmetric Wnt signaling. Specifically, we observe aberrant POP-1 and WRM-1 localization that is dependent on the presence of FRK-1 and APR-1. Overall, our data suggest a requirement for FRK-1 in maintaining the identity and proliferation of seam cells primarily through an interaction with the asymmetric Wnt pathway. KEYWORDS Wnt; fer; kinase; asymmetry; development A SYMMETRIC division is a critical component of stem cell populations, ranging from organismal development to tissue maintenance during adulthood. Without asymmetric divisions early embryos would not progress toward cellular specification and adult cell types, such as blood, would lose the ability to maintain numbers through self-renewal. Particularly important to stem cell division is the capability to maintain the stem cell population via asymmetric division where one daughter cell is specified to become a certain cell type, while the other daughter cell becomes another stem cell.In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans a stem cell-like population, called seam cells, exists in the hypodermis and undergoes a series of asymmetric divisions after each larval molt, thus facilitating postembryonic development (Sulston and Horvitz 1977). Seam cells are critical for proper formation of the hypodermis, the secreted cuticle, and other cell types derived from seam cells such as neuroblasts and glial cells. The seam cells consist of three anterior sets, H0, H1, and H2, followed by six V cells and one T cell in the posterior (Figure 1). The V cells undergo unique stem cell-like divisions during postembryonic development that lead to one anterior daughter that fuses with the hypodermal syncytial cell, hyp7, and one posterior daughte...