Femtosecond time-resolved photoemission of photoexcited electrons in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) provides strong evidence for anisotropies of quasiparticle (QP) lifetimes. Indicative of such anisotropies is a pronounced anomaly in the energy dependence of QP lifetimes between 1.1 and 1.5 eV -the vicinity of a saddle point in the graphite band structure. This is supported by recent ab initio calculations and a comparison with experiments on defect-enriched HOPG which reveal that disorder, e.g., defects or phonons, increases electron energy relaxation rates. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.267402 PACS numbers: 78.47. +p, 71.10.Ca, 79.60. -i, 81.05.Uw Studies of the ultrafast dynamics of electronic excitations in solids have challenged experiment and theory for years. Advances in ultrafast laser technology and the latest theoretical developments allow us to investigate electron dynamics in growing detail and further our understanding of fundamental scattering processes in solids at the femtosecond time scale [1,2].For an interacting 3D electron gas the standard theory of e-e scattering -Landau's theory of Fermi liquids -predicts a quadratic dependence of scattering rates on the quasiparticle (QP) energy ͑E 2 E F ͒ [3]. In a periodic potential, however, the electronic states are modified with respect to those of a free electron gas and form Bloch states which may result in different QP lifetimes at the same energy if distinct k states within the Brillouin zone are compared. Such anisotropies were indeed predicted by recent ab initio self-energy calculations for Al and Be which find strong variations of QP lifetimes for electrons in different bands [4,5]. Experimental verification of these predictions, however, remains truly challenging. Time-resolved photoemission from different copper surfaces has revealed some dependence of the measured electron dynamics on the crystallographic surface orientation, but the observed effects could not be clearly attributed to anisotropies of QP lifetimes [6]. Similar experiments on aluminum [7] have likewise not been able to identify band structure effects predicted theoretically [4].Graphite, a semimetal with layered structure, is expected to be an ideal candidate if band structure effects are to be observed experimentally. The strongly anisotropic band structure of graphite is expected to furnish electron scattering processes with similar anisotropies, leading to anomalous QP lifetimes. The special topology of the graphite band structure has indeed been used to explain apparent deviations of the electron dynamics observed on a cesiated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface [8] from the standard predictions for a 3D electron gas [9]. However, the experiments provided no evidence for anomalies that might be associated with anisotropic QP lifetimes. Furthermore, the overlap of the energy range probed experimentally in Ref. [8] and of the range of validity of the approximations used in Ref.[9] is small and calls for more detailed theoretical as well as experi...