Adult soft wax scale Cerofilastes destructor and Chinese wax scale C. sinensis (Hemiptera: Coccidae) infesting citrus orchards in Northland, New Zealand were sampled to determine their size, fecundity and the proportion of crawlers emerging. The highest fecundity of an individual scale was 5214 eggs in soft wax scale and 4304 for Chinese wax scale. Both species had similar power regressions between scale size and fecundity. The variation in mean scale size among orchards corresponded to large differences in mean fecundity. Both the size and density of adults need to be measured to estimate egg production of scale populations. The proportion of eggs that emerged as crawlers averaged 60% for soft wax scale and 76% in Chinese wax scale. Tyrophagusperniciosus mites were present under most scales with dead eggs andlor dead crawlers, but were absent where most crawlers had emerged.