We investigate the properties of the interstellar medium, star formation, and the current-day stellar population in the strongly-lensed star-forming galaxy H-ATLAS J091043.1-000321 (SDP.11), at z = 1.7830, using new Herschel and ALMA observations of far-infrared fine-structure lines of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. We report detections of the [O iii] 52 µm, [N iii] 57 µm, and [O i] 63 µm lines from Herschel/PACS, and present high-resolution imaging of the [C ii] 158 µm line, and underlying continuum, using ALMA. We resolve the [C ii] line emission into two spatially-offset Einstein rings, tracing the red-and blue-velocity components of the line, in the ALMA/Band-9 observations at 0. 2 resolution. The values seen in the [C ii]/FIR ratio map, as low as ∼ 0.02% at the peak of the dust continuum, are similar to those of local ULIRGs, suggesting an intense starburst in this source. This is consistent with the high intrinsic FIR luminosity (∼ 3 × 10 12 L ), ∼ 16 Myr gas depletion timescale, and 8 Myr timescale since the last starburst episode, estimated from the hardness of the UV radiation field. By applying gravitational lensing models to the visibilities in the uv-plane, we find that the lensing magnification factor varies by a factor of two across SDP.11, affecting the observed line profiles. After correcting for the effects of differential lensing, a symmetric line profile is recovered, suggesting that the starburst present here may not be the result of a major merger, as is the case for local ULIRGs, but instead could be powered by star-formation activity spread across a 3-5 kpc rotating disk.