“…The disorder related to COL4A1 mutations is now known as a systemic disease, including a broad spectrum of cerebrovascular lesions: porencephaly and transmantle lesions, causing hydranencephaly or schizencephaly; lesions of the kidneys, leading to nephrosis and hematuria; lesions of the eyes, causing cataract, microphthalmia, and blindness; lesions of the heart, causing arrhythmia; and lesions of the skeletal muscles, causing dystrophic changes, weakness, and myoglobinuria. [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] COL4A1 and COL4A2 encode proα1(IV) and proα2(IV) chains, respectively, which assemble to form a heterotrimeric helix with a constant 2:1 ratio (proα1(IV)) 2 (proα2 (IV)). This type IV collagen is a component of nonfibrillary collagen, a main constituent of the basement membranes of many tissues, among them vascular endothelia.…”