Electronic transport through DNA wires in the presence of a strong dissipative environment is investigated. We show that new bath-induced electronic states are formed within the bandgap. These states show up in the linear conductance spectrum as a temperature dependent background and lead to a crossover from tunneling to thermal activated behavior with increasing temperature. Depending on the strength of the electron-bath coupling, the conductance at the Fermi level can show a weak exponential or even an algebraic length dependence. Our results suggest a new environmentalinduced transport mechanism. This might be relevant for the understanding of molecular conduction experiments in liquid solution, like those recently performed on poly(GC) oligomers in a water buffer (B. Xu et al., Nano Lett. 4, 1105 (2004)).In the emerging field of molecular electronics, DNA oligomers have drawn in the last decade the attention of both experimentalists and theoreticians [1]. This has been mainly motivated by DNA exciting potential applications which include its use as a template in molecular devices or by exploiting its self-assembling and selfrecognition properties [2]. Alternatively, DNA strands might act as molecular wires either in periodic conformations as in poly(GC), or by doping with metal cations as is the case of M-DNA [3]. As a consequence, the identification of the relevant charge transport channels in DNA systems becomes a crucial issue. Transport experiments in DNA derivatives are however quite controversial [4,5]. DNA has been characterized as insulating [6], semiconducting [7] or metallic [8,9]. It becomes then apparent that sample preparation and experimental conditions are more critical than in transport experiments on other nanoscale systems. Meanwhile, a variety of factors that appreciably control charge propagation along the double helix have been theoretically identified: static [10] and dynamical [11] disorder related to random base pair sequences and structural fluctuations, respectively, as well as environmental effects associated with correlated fluctuations of counterions [12] or with the formation of localised states within the bandgap [4,13].Recently, Xu et al. [9] have carried out transport experiments on poly(GC) oligomers in aqueous solution. These experiments are remarkable for different reasons: (i) it was shown that transport characteristics of single molecules were probed, (ii) the molecules displayed ohmic-like behavior in the low-bias I-V characteristics and (iii) the linear conductance showed an algebraic dependence g ∼ N −1 on the number N of base pairs. This latter result suggests the dominance of incoherent charge transport processes. Complex band structure calculations [14] for dry poly(GC) oligomers predict, on the contrary, a rather strong exponential dependence of the conductance on the wire length, a typical result for coherent tunneling through band gaps. Hence,