A real valued function defined on a subset E of R, the set of real numbers, is ρ-statistically downward continuous if it preserves ρ-statistical downward quasi-Cauchy sequences of points in E, where a sequence (α k ) of real numbers is called ρ-statistically downward quasi-Cauchy if limn→∞ 1 ρn |{k ≤ n : ∆α k ≥ ε}| = 0 for every ε > 0, in which (ρn) is a non-decreasing sequence of positive real numbers tending to ∞ such that lim sup n ρn n < ∞, ∆ρn = O(1), and ∆α k = α k+1 − α k for each positive integer k. It turns out that a function is uniformly continuous if it is ρ-statistical downward continuous on an above bounded set. 1 hr k∈Ir |α k − L| = 0, where I r = (k r−1 , k r ], and k 0 = 0, h r := k r − k r−1 → ∞ as r → ∞ and θ = (k r )is an increasing sequence of positive integers (see also [45], and [46]). In [43] Fridy and Orhan introduced the concept of lacunary statistically convergence in the sense that a sequence (α k ) of points in R is called lacunary statistically convergent, or Date: September 27, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 40A05; Secondaries: 40D25; 40A35; 40A30; 26A15.