Patricia Manzano-Gayosso, M en C, (1) Rocío López-Alvarez, QFB, (2) Elva Bazán-Mora, Biól,Rubén López-Martínez, MC.(1)
AbstractObjective. To isolate and identify the fungi in specimens collected from immunocompromised patients seen in Mexico City hospital, and to assess their association with mycosis. Material and Methods. A total of 268 specimens from 108 patients were processed for mycological study, including direct examination, smears, cultures, and microcultures in specific media, in addition to biochemical tests. Most of the patients had been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Results. One hundred and eighty-three yeasts and 66 mycelial fungi were isolated. Forty-five mycoses were diagnosed; the most frequent mycosis was pulmonary candidosis (32 cases). Candida albicans and C parapsilosis were the predominant species associated with mycotic infection. Five Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans, one C albidus, three Histoplasma capsulatum and one Geotrichum candidum isolats were associated with mycosis. Conclusions. Of the studied patients, 41.6% showed a mycotic infection, principally associated with AIDS and pulmonary tuberculosis.