There has been an increase in cheating on exams by engineering students using phones. In the past, it was known that students used phones to search for solutions to problems, often from publisher solution manuals. Now, students have been caught taking pictures of exam problems and uploading them to online tutors. The tutors are often located in different parts of the world. It appears a number of tutors are available at any time of the day, and will promptly solve the problem and send the solution back to the requestor. To help instructors, this paper describes this method of cheating. Once this method of cheating was understood, the authors of this paper were able to collect sufficient evidence to pursue scholastic dishonesty charges against students after the semester had ended and after the students had been assigned a passing grade in the class. The recommended sanction for cheating on an exam is a failing grade in the class, hence some students have been shocked to have been caught and then shocked to have to retake a class even after they have progressed to take follow on classes in the engineering program. If faculty understand how a student can cheat using a phone on exams, they are better prepared to deter, detect and prosecute cheaters.