A key activity of research is producing knowledge. In doing research, a researcher makes claims about the world in which they live: how they can-and why they should-produce knowledge about that world. The worldview of the researcher-that is, their research paradigm-plays a foundational role in this endeavour. We think with the ontology (theories of existence), epistemology (theories of knowledge), and morality (theories of values) of our paradigms:What world do we live in (ontology)? How can we engage this world as researchers (epistemology)? And why should we (morality)? Thus, for applied health researchers, our knowledge production is both a scientific as well as a moral activity. Our work is compelled by scientific rigour in the service of improving health and wellbeing for patient, public, community and global populations because we believe our work matters for people's lives. To genuinely help people, we need to understand the problems they face, what and who produces those problems, and how lives, activities and policies could be different. In doing so, we endeavour to design workable explorations to understand the roots of problems to help improve lives in the short term and for future generations.These reflections lead me to think deeply about the potential of qualitative research for oral health.
| WHAT IS QUALITATIVE RE S E ARCH?Increasingly, oral health researchers are turning to qualitative research approaches to explore applied oral health topics. 'Qualitative research' is a generic term that too often stands in for many different, sometimes disparate, research activities. In generic terms, qualitative research simply means research that is not quantitative.A more pixelated version may convey that qualitative research generates data that are words in contrast to numbers. Unless the description of qualitative research takes paradigm seriously, however, this understanding conceals more than it reveals.Setting up a continuum between positivist (quantitative) paradigms and constructivist (qualitative) paradigms can provide a more