The two-neutron transfer reaction Sm(p, t) Sm was studied at Ev=26 MeV. Angular distributions were measured for 8~b = 5' -50 . The strength of the two neutron monopole pairing phononparticle configuration (n = 1,n+ --1) v2fq/q is identified in odd mass Sm and is found to be quasi-uniformly spread in two narrow groups of as many as 8+5=13 states. This unexpected large fragmentation is compared with the one in the core nucleus Sm and with that from its isotone Nd where the monopole pairing vibration is less fragmented. The couplings with other excitation modes are extracted.PACS number(s): 27.60. +j, 25.40.Hs, 21.10.Hw Atomic nuclei exhibit bosonic and fermionic elementary excitation modes. Due to their underlying fermionic structure, the bosonic modes are only approximately independent and therefore interact with each other and with the fermionic excitations. To reveal these bosonicfermionic couplings one has to study in detail excitations in odd nuclei with emphasis on the observation of the distribution of the respective strengths. Here we report on a study of the coupling of the neutron pairing vibration to single particle states and to other modes in odd nuclei, to provide experimentally established information on its existence and on the magnitude of the relevant matrix elements.In even-even nuclei near closed shells two types of approximately independent pairing vibrations appear: pair removal (n = -2) and pair addition (n = +2) [1].The excitation of a pair removal (addition) phonon decreases (increases) the number of nucleons by two units and the corresponding state is obtained in the nucleus with A -2 (A+ 2) nucleons. As such, a resulting state can be labeled by the number of phonons of each type:(n -2, n -+2) = (n, n+). In odd nuclei, the orbital of the extra nucleon must be indicated, in order to identify a state. As the first orbital in the shell above N=82 is v2f7/2, the ground state of s2 Smss, can be written as (0, 0) v2fr/2 and the monopole pairing vibration (MPV) as (1, 1) t3 v2f7/2The even-even nuclei around the closed shells N = 126 and N = 82 have been central to the study of neutron pairing vibrations through two neutron pickup and stripping reactions (p, t) and (t, p), respectively. In odd nuclei near closed shells such excitations were only observed in the N=83 nucleus i4sNd [2,3]. This paper presents a study of the only other odd nucleus accessible with a stable target, its isotone Sm, a nucleus well studied before in a number of complementary reactions [4]. We find that the MPV is very much fragmented in Sm, a picture which is very different &om that found previously 'Electronic address: trachecomp. tamu. edu for Nd. However, the analysis determines the magnitude of all relevant matrix elements and thus clearly establishes common features between the two cases and also identifies the origin of the differences. It is an interesting example of how the same basic configurations and interactions may lead to such different results.We have investigated the two-neutron pickup reaction i47Sm(p, ...