The bacterial archetypal adaptive immune system, CRISPR-Cas, is thought to be non-functional in the best-studied bacterium, Escherichia coli K-12. Instead, we demonstrate here that the E. coli CRISPR-Cas system is active and inhibits its nine defective (i.e., cryptic) prophages. Specifically, deactivation of CRISPR-Cas via deletion of cas2, which encodes one of the two conserved CRISPR-Cas proteins, reduces growth by 40%, increases cell death by 700%, and prevents persister cell resuscitation; hence, CRISPR-Cas serves to inhibit the remaining deleterious effects of these cryptic prophages. Consistently, seven of the 13 E. coli spacers contain matches to the cryptic prophages, and, after excision, CRISPR-Cas cleaves cryptic prophage CP4-57 and DLP-12 DNA. Moreover, we determine that the key genes in these cryptic prophages that CRISPR-Cas represses by cleaving the excised DNA include lysis protein YdfD of Qin and lysis protein RzoD of DLP-12. Therefore, we report the novel results that (i) CRISPR-Cas is active in E. coli and (ii) CRISPR-Cas is used to tame cryptic prophages; i.e., unlike with active lysogens, CRISPR-Cas and cryptic prophages may stably exist.