Less widely taught languages present special problems. Often students may be ab initio learners who must progress very rapidly from beginner to highly competent.Appropriate learning materials are scarce. Small student numbers restrict the range of learner tasks. To address these problems, and drawing on research methods from both CALL and Computer Science domains, we investigated the use of a virtual learning environment (WebCT) as a tool for collaborative language teaching and learning. A web-based virtual department was created, bringing students and tutors from different institutions together to practise the target language (students) and share the development of quality resources (teachers).The Virtual Department links three UK Danish departments. This environment provides shared working areas for students and teachers. Teachers design and use resource materials and students complete tasks. Learner task design was driven by pedagogical needs but the technology also offered opportunities which shaped the learning tasks to some extent. A key feature of the system is its range of communication tools, around which some collaborative tasks have been designed and on which students across the country can work together. The system enables teachers to create a wider variety of authentic tasks and exercises for students than previously.The paper presents the results of evaluating the virtual department in use over one academic year with first, second and fourth year students, and their teachers.• U1. Background: difficulties for small language departments Universities in the United Kingdom offer students the opportunity to learn a wide range of European (including Slavonic and East European), African and Oriental languages. Many of these languages are classified by the UK funding and admissions agencies as 'minority' languages, not because of the numbers of speakers using them 1 worldwide, but because of the small size of the departments teaching them, and the small numbers of teachers and students accommodated by these departments.These small language departments face a number of pressures in their efforts to provide students with an exciting, stimulating and authentic learning experience in a less widely taught language (Roed et al, 2001).Firstly, teachers of minority languages in higher education often work in almost complete isolation. If languages such as Danish, Finnish, or Romanian are offered, it is likely that the university concerned will have only one teacher per language. Social interaction with colleagues is therefore limited or impossible, as is their assistance and support in developing course materials and new approaches to teaching. Secondly, the small number of students in class (typically between one and five) means that teachers are restricted in the variety of teaching methodologies they can adopt. The students themselves are limited by the size of their groups as they may have few fellow students with whom to practise the spoken language, or with whom they can collaborate on assignments o...