Exserohilum rostratum (ER) is a dematiaceous, environmental and fastgrowing fungus causing invasive and cutaneous infections. Immunosuppression is the main risk factor for developing this infection. [1][2][3][4] A 6-year-old male patient was diagnosed with common B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), after attending the emergency room with malaise and prolonged fever over the last week, along with severe pancytopenia. He was admitted for further diagnostic studies and given appropriate therapy (protocol SEHOP-PETHEMA-2013 1 ).Chemotherapy consisted of prednisone, vincristine, daunorubicin, PEG-asparaginase, and triple intrathecal chemotherapy. 4 Fourteen days after admission, he developed a necrotic eschar of 5 cm in diameter in the back of his right leg at the distal third. In suspi-