Waveguide propagation of sub-ps terahertz pulses in single-crystal sapphire fibers is reported. An incident THz pulse of approximately 0.6 ps duration undergoes considerable reshaping due to the absorptive and dispersive waveguide propagation, resulting in transmitted chirped pulse durations of 10-30 ps. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained by analyzing the propagation in terms of the single HE 11 waveguide mode. The dominance of the single HE 11 mode, despite the fiber dimensions allowing for multimode propagation, is attributed to the free-space to waveguide coupling. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑00͒02215-4͔The technical capability to optoelectronically transmit and detect single cycle pulses of freely propagating THz electromagnetic radiation has generated much interest in the guided wave propagation of such pulses. At the present time, the highest guided-wave performance has been obtained with a 240-m-diam stainless steel waveguide over the frequency range from 0.8 to 3.5 THz and with a power absorption coefficient of less than 1 cm Ϫ1 . 1 This performance far exceeds that of coplanar and microstrip transmission lines. 1 An alternative approach would be to use dielectric waveguides. Such waveguides would not have the sharp lowfrequency cutoff of metal waveguides and would thereby extend the low frequency limit of the waveguide. Given a suitable low loss dielectric, such as high-resistivity silicon with a power absorption coefficient of less than 0.05 cm Ϫ1 over our frequency range, 2 dielectric waveguides could have much less absorption than metal waveguides. In addition, due to boundary considerations it should be possible to more cleanly couple, and with a much higher coupling efficiency, linearly polarized THz radiation into the single dominant mode for dielectric waveguides than for metal circular waveguides. Such dielectric single-mode THz waveguides would have the promise of an extremely low-loss, flexible interconnect and communications channel, with advantages similar to that of single-mode optical fiber.Here, we report demonstrations of single-mode propagation of sub-ps THz pulses in dielectric waveguides ͑fibers͒. These demonstrations prove the efficient quasioptical input and output coupling to and from such fibers and show the viability of the single-mode THz fiber interconnect. The fact that the diameters ͑325, 250, and 150 m͒ of the THz fibers are similar to those of optical fibers, including the core and cladding, gives the THz fibers similar flexibility and handling properties. Because this work was performed with single-crystal unclad fibers, the waveguide propagation characteristics vary significantly over the extensive frequency spectrum of the nearly single-cycle input pulses, giving rise to considerable absorptive and dispersive reshaping.The waveguides used are unclad single-crystal sapphire fibers, with the c axis directed along the length of the fiber, supplied by Saphikon Inc. In our analysis we assume a circular fiber cross-section, although ...